Skepticism Around QuadrigaCX CEO Death Spurs Call for Exhumation


The bizarre details surrounding the alleged death of the CEO of defunct cryptocurrency exchange QuadrigaCX Gerald Cotten and the $163 million that he allegedly took with him to the grave are becoming even stranger.

Indeed, growing skepticism as to whether the 30-year-old Cotten really passed away during his honeymoon in India last year has caused lawyers representing jilted QuadrigaCX customers to request that Cotten’s body be exhumed, according to reports from the BBC and Bloomberg late last week.

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Indeed, Toronto-based law firm Miller Thomson LLP has sent a letter to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police requesting that they “conduct an exhumation and post-mortem autopsy on the body of Gerald Cotten to confirm both its identity and the cause of death given the questionable circumstances,” as well as the losses by QuadgridaCX users.

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