Ripple’s CTO Claims XRP Is More Decentralized Than BTC And ETH Networks


What could be called as another act of love from the Chief Technology Officer at Ripple, David Schwartz has published a post on the Ripple’s website showcasing the inherent decentralization of the XRP ledger.

David Schwartz openly displays his unbound love and trust for blockchain technology and XRP. An active Twitterati Schwartz regularly responds to queries about the Ripple technology as well as the future direction of the project. In fact, Cory Johnson, the Chief Market Strategist at Ripple teased Schwartz with a new title of Chief Tweeter; during a recent Ask Me Anything session with Brad Garlginhouse.

Comparing Transaction Costs

Schwartz explains that the miners on the BTC and ETH networks want the transaction cost to enable more rewards for validating transactions. This inevitably drives up the cost of each transaction leaving the digital asset less attractive to real-world use cases such as payments. He further explains how  XRP ledger is different:

The XRP Ledger encourages the opposite behavior. Those using XRP and the XRP Ledger are able to make progress without mining, saving significant compute power and time. Also, a built-in system, called fee escalation, is part of its consensus protocol and helps to regulate fees overall. This means lower costs and faster transaction times for XRP compared to other digital assets — the attributes that make it the most useful asset for settlement.


Lastly, Schwartz points out that in the case of Bitcoin and Ethereum, 4 mining groups control 58% of the Bitcoin network and 3 miners account for 57% of Ethereum’s capacity. The concentration of powers with these groups could disrupt the system if even a small number of miners decide to conspire. He noted that though China has banned cryptocurrency, 80% of all Bitcoin mining is located in the country. BTC  and ETH thus pose a potential risk of manipulation.

As for XRP ledger, Schwartz explains that 80% of all validators on the XRP ledger are required on the entire network over a 2 week period to continuously support a change before it is applied. Out of the approximately 150 validators, Ripple only runs 10: a far lesser percentage to impose a change on the network.

David Schwartz concludes the post by presenting facts that prove XRP ledger more decentralized than those of Bitcoin and Ethereum. The crypto-community, with time, might realize XRP’s potential as one of the fastest and most reliable digital assets.

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