Elon Musk wants Ethereum ‘Even If It Is a Scam’


It seems that the Twitter crypto scammers are not just only getting the platform unnerved but the crypto enthusiasts as well, including Elon Musk.

Twitter strengthen its guard against scammers, that abuse the platform and target unsuspecting users to invest in fraudulent cryptocurrency schemes by banning 486 accounts for engaging in “coordinated manipulation.”

Crypto Scammers

Scammers across the web create fake Twitter profiles, quite identical to leading figures in the world of tech and cryptocurrency. They pretend to give away Ethereum and other coins. The unsuspecting victims are convinced by the cyber thieves to transfer a small amount of crypto into their account in exchange for a larger amount in return. Obviously, the return never happens.

On learning about the Ban, Musk took a pot shot on the Scammers, saying that they even convinced him to own some Ethereum. Here the Tweets:

Great actions by Twitter to delete bogus accounts. Will increase usage by real users.

— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) August 28, 2018

Though the new bans likey take out a few drops from the sea of scammers, one should appreciate Twitter for its effort.

This will not be the first time that Musk poked Twitter or Cryptocurrencies, In July he tweeted that he was impressed by the Twitter scambots “Mad skillz”. In February, he disclosed that he indeed owns a small amount of cryptocurrency, the .25 Bitcoin that a friend sent him many years ago.

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