Ethereum Is Useless & XRP Is Illegal, says Promoter of BCHSV Dr.Craig Wright


While Bitcoin Cash (BCH), hash war has done more damage than good. The token lost a significant amount during the hard fork update. This situation has also raised questions about the security of digital assets. The situation has been made worse by the “leaders” who support BCH ABC and BCH SV. They do everything they can to discredit their rival, which in turn fuels problems for the entire ecosystem.

Craig Wright, one the main promoters for BCH SV took to Twitter to start discrediting several other cryptocurrencies in order to position his fork among miners as the best option. This plan didn’t work out as Wright’s attempt to generate controversy led to the fork losing half of its value relative to the original BCH Blockchain.

Wright began his rant by challenging the ETH (or XRP) cryptocurrencies, which are the most important cryptocurrencies in the ecosystem, to be complete failures.

Wright also accused ETH of not using cases. However, the blockchain network is renowned for being a network on which most cryptoverse projects run.

Wright didn’t realize that these tweets were nothing but a “foot in your mouth” moment and continued to be disrespectful towards XRP, not realizing it.

He goes on to suggest that any tokens put into circulation should be banned as securities. This includes BTC, ETH and XRP.

Wright didn’t think through his promotion strategies, and these tweets won’t win him any brownie points. While Wright portrays a negative image of himself, Roger Ver, who supports Bitcoin ABC, has done a better job. Ver, recently elaborated that his aim is to get cryptocurrency recognised and adopted worldwide and he wouldn’t mind if Monero Or Dash will be accepted as World Currency.

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