Blockchain Overtakes Cryptocurrency In Google Search Frequency


Currently, only a few blockchain applications are open for direct access by the public. Over and above, most blockchain startups are private and pretty risky to boot, which limits the investor’s options. The emerging use cases of Blockchain have started to mark their presence at higher levels via earning the confidence of major companies. While some smaller players are also evolving nicely, the uphill battle for them is much tougher in comparison.

More: Walmart To Implement IBM’s Blockchain Technology To Trace Food

As of today, blockchain technology has found multiple big and small use cases, so much so that most enthusiasts openly compare it with the Internet and the growth it brought in today’s day and age. Numerous pilot programs in varies the range of areas are being employed, which see the use of blockchain to bring security, transparency, systemization to various process in the respective industries.

From using blockchain to tackle tax avoidance by the Thailand government to facilitating meat export in New Zealand to help #MeToo victims express their stories, the technology has breached almost all sectors of the society and is making strong progress towards being recognized as a mainstream solution.

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