Someone Just Moved 50 Bitcoins, Prompting Speculations It’s Satoshi Nakamoto


50 bitcoins (BTC) (USD 477,500), minted in the first month of Bitcoin’s existence and untouched for more than 11 years were moved today, prompting a wave of speculations that Satoshi Nakamoto “has awakened.” However, multiple industry players denied that these coins were moved by Bitcoin’s creator.

Here is the transaction:

However, Jameson Lopp, CTO at crypto security specialist Casa, denied this is Satoshi, saying: “No. Y’all need to up your analysis game.”

@mikehogan_ It’s complicated, but in general there is a pattern of extraNonces belonging to an early miner. That mi…

— Jameson Lopp (@lopp)

Bitcoiner and partner at Castle Island Ventures, Nic Carter, also chimed in:

Here’s a visualization of the Patoshi pattern with the block that was just spent. The blocks believed to be Satoshi…

— nic carter (@nic__carter)


At pixel time (15:52 UTC), BTC trades at USD 9,584 and is down by 1% in a day, trimming its weekly gains to less than 5%.

The total number of spent outputs that were created more than 10 years ago:

Other reactions:

It’s the first time since August 2017 than someone spent coins from early 2009.

— Antoine Le Calvez (@khannib)

50BTC from an ancient Whale # is more impactful than whole Bitmex going down

— Dovey 以德服人 Wan (@DoveyWan)

Relax guys. Much higher chance it is NOT Satoshi than it is. Although can’t be proven, this has happened a few time…

— CZ Binance (@cz_binance)

Wife of @halfin ?

— Dennis Parker (@Xentagz)

@MrHodl @crypt0e I know people who moved super old coins during the past 6 months to consolidate their ancient pre-…

— Warren Togami (@wtogami)

CSW is going to try to spin this as “he is moving coins” the list he produced for court contains the first 10k addr…

— I am Nomad (@IamNomad)

2009 coins moving most likely doesn’t mean much. Best guess is not satoshi coins based on pattern analysis (…

— Ari Paul ⛓️ (@AriDavidPaul)

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