Why Indian Government Will Legalize Cryptocurrencies Such As Bitcoin


From accepting to an open economy to firing up the first mission to the moon to establishing a functional higher-education framework—we’ve always been lackluster in every dimension. This same pattern has now taken a behemoth stance that we can actually implement to foresee “what’s next?”

Let’s Talk Cryptocurrency

said Deputy Governor of the RBI B.P. Kanungo.

Where does the Government Stand?
The government at the center have an even worse stance than RBI. While at least RBI has been clear that it’s trying to pull the oxygen plug out, Modi government is at it on a whole different level.
‘We will ask you not to get involved in the cryptocurrencies. BUT we will also ensure that you have all the space to buy-sell the digital tokens and grow your portfolio without any repercussion.’ That’s basically where the current government stands. Perhaps they know they would upset lakhs of investors-cum-voters, the majority of who comes from Surat and other metropolitan cities. Or maybe they are giving the ministers, politicians, and partners enough time to make the most of cryptos. (Yes, a-la-demonetization when few already settled their black money ahead of the economic anarchy!)

-Canada has an intensive framework to regulate the companies dealing in cryptocurrencies.

-Mexico is all readied to regulate virtual currencies under FinTech Law.

Some have highly defined regulations to keep a check on the crypto market, others treat these digital tokens as intangible assets. Some are charging taxes on crypto returns, others are still uncertain and cautioning investors (but without labeling anything illegal or banned).
Of course, there are few countries where cryptocurrencies are implicitly banned; like China, Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Indonesia. Mind you, these are also the countries who limit citizens’ access to the internet.

Keeping biasedness at the very aside, cryptocurrencies are just as dangerous as fiat money. Indeed, we hail the dark web Silk Road case and contend how people around the world would buy drugs using Bitcoin. But in that hype, let’s not forget that millions of people still purchase drugs using fiat. Almost the entire part of global terrorism is still funded by fiat and not cryptos. Trillions of black money is still lying naked in the Swiss banks. All the wrongs are still there and already happening in the world—all funded by fiat money. Does that mean we ban INR and USD? Does that mean we treat them as nuclear?

Or here’s a basic, non-rhetorical question—just because an innovation has dangers, does that mean we ban it? AI would have borne the first slice of the axe, if yes.

You simply cannot play with a technology and hush its biggest by-product. Talking about blockchain technology and Bitcoin here! Indian government and central bank have admitted that they are open to employ blockchain technology in different sectors. How easy (or difficult) would that be when they ban cryptocurrencies in entirety?

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